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[oniro-wg] Blueprint vs demonstrator. Agenda point for today's marketing meeting


during the marketing meeting held last week last week we agreed to discuss 
today the topic "Blueprint vs. Demonstrator". I agreed on starting the 
discussion through this mailing list with a proposal.

Today at the event, we can use the 5 min assigned to this point to ask 
questions. We will use a future meeting to discuss the topic.

## Blueprint vs Demonstrator

I would like to introduce two concepts that should be familiar so we discuss 
them and agree on them. I think this is a relevant topic for 2022.

### Blueprint

I understand "Blueprint" as:

* A way to collaborate with organizations in specific topics with value  for 
the target organization internally. (process)
* A business/product use case for Oniro. (deliverable)
* An engagement activity with potential Oniro Members. (activity)

### Demonstrator 

I understand a demonstrator as:

* A marketing resource. (showcase)
* A confirmation of the potential of Oniro technologies, implementations, 
outputs, etc. (validator)
* Relevant check point in product or technical decision processes. (indicator)

### Comments
We use Blueprints as showcases (demos) but, as you can see in the definition, 
the goals of the output of a blueprint and a demonstrator are different, in my 

I suggest to clearly differentiate both ideas so we do not mix them. I would 
like us to mature the Blueprint concept and to initiate an action to create a 

### Proposal

* Agreement on the differentiation of these two concepts.
* Define them and describe them.
* Design one demonstrator and create it during the first half of 2022.
* Use the demonstrator as marketing resource during the second half of 2022.

Best Regards

Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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