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[oniro-wg] [Marketing] Oniro Youtube playlist. New videos about our blueprints


one of the most relevant marketing resources we have at the moment are our 
EclipseCon 2021 videos. Now we have two additions.

Our colleagues at OSTC Huawei have created two videos explaining each one of 
the Blueprints the engineering team is currently working on:
* Gateway blueprint
* Vending Machine blueprint

This second Blueprint has been developed in active collaboration with SECO, 
which is contributing to what will become Oniro.

These Blueprints has been shown at different events since the announcement of 
Oniro at EclipseCon 2021. Those of you who could not attend to those events 
can learn about what are these blueprints about through these videos, uploaded 
to our playlist, which includes the already mentioned talks from EclipseCon 


Subscribe to the playlist to get a notification when new videos are uploaded.

Thank you to those involved in the creation of these videos. Great 

Best Regards
Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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