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[oaw-wg] Meeting Minutes Telco 2009-07-07

Meeting Minutes: Monthly oaw telco

Starting time: 09:00 PM CEST
Ending time: ~10:25 PM CEST

Meeting via Skype (Host dieter.moroff)

- Andre Arnold
- Dieter Moroff
- Ekkehard Gentz
- Karsten Thoms
- Markus Völter
- Michael Clay

- Definition oaw5
- Website, Support
- Maven support

- Current situation
  - oaw working group is just founded
  - Galileo is released
  - until now it is not defined what oaw is actually

- Scope
  - oaw5 will have similar scope as 4.3.1
  - Deprecations: PLE, oAW Classic, Recipe, uml2ecore are from current perspective deprecated
  - not included (in first step): Visualization, RSA Adapter
  - add Hybridlabs Java formatter

- oaw5 update site
  - we will provide an Update Site for all oaw related features ASAP
  - will be hosted at
  - will contain also features not developed at
  - download as zipped update site must be available
  - download links placed on working group site
  - maybe participate in Ed's "Galileo Plus" site
  - Ekke, Michael and Karsten talk again in week July 27th - 31th
    (Ekke wants to work with P2 anyway, Karsten announced some free time)

- Add-on features
  - Visualization
    - hosted at Google code
    - currently migrated by Philipp Bollbach and ???, primary ZEST part
    - Michael Clay offered help to migrate Graphviz support
  - RSM Adapter
    - Dieter will migrate the RSM Adapter 
  - PLE Tools
    - currently under development at Google Code (Andreas Rytina)
    - will replace oAW 4.3.1 PLE Utils
  - All features have to be built and tested against the upcoming itemis 0.7.1 distro
  - Update site with features will be sent to Karsten to include in common oaw5 update site
  - delivery ~ 1st Sep. 

- Website
  - root will redirect to
  - at first step place prominent link in homepage
  - change date: not yet decided (approx. 3 months)
- Online support
  - Newsgroups are primary source for support 
    - all oaw4 related support goes to nntp://
    - M2T Xpand / TMF Xtext goes in project's newsgroups
    - contact most active supporters (Meinte Boersma, Christian Dietrich) to subscribe newsgroups and do their support there
  - online forums on will be deprecated
    - new postings answered in Eclipse newsgroups and linked
    - sticky post or warning when in create post template of CMS will inform users that questions will be answered at Eclipse only
    - soon disable new registrations
    - after while (approx. 3 months) set forum read only
    - forum will stay read-only available to be able to search through

Maven support
- Karsten has made oaw5 related artifacts available in oaw Maven repository:
- Dieter will reactivate his continuous build for MWE and M2T Xpand for 0.7.1
- Maven repository at will stay available, no hosting at Eclipse planned


Karsten Thoms

Telefon: +49 (0) 231 / 98 60-222
Telefax: +49 (0) 231 / 98 60-211
Mobil  : +49 (0) 151 / 17396721

itemis AG
Am Brambusch 15-24
44536 Lünen

Rechtlicher Hinweis:
Amtsgericht Dortmund, HRB 20621

Vorstand: Wolfgang Neuhaus, Jens Wagener, Dr. Georg Pietrek

Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Burkhard Igel(Vors.), Stephan Grollmann, Michael Neuhaus

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