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Re: [] Java Versions

I personally use Java 6 to run my IDE, but only have the JRE1.5 configured in my Eclipses, all projects I work on being configured to have 1.5 compatibility.

"Laurent, have you tested an Indigo Acceleo + OCL in a Eclipse Ganymede ?¿? I'm very sceptical about this ;P"

Acceleo is dependant on OCL and can't be run without it, so Acceleo + OCL is mandatory :). That being said, Acceleo 3.0.2 and Acceleo 3.1.0M6 are both tested in Eclipse 3.4 - EMF 2.4, Eclipse 3.5 - EMF 2.5, Eclipse 3.6 - EMF 2.6 and Eclipse 3.7M6 - EMF 2.7M6. We strive to maintain compatibility so that our users can install the latest Acceleo version in older Eclipses. Agreed, this isn't simple everyday, and we do have limitations (for example, an Acceleo generator compiled in 3.7 (with the latest OCL) has good chances of not being executable in 3.4 (because of the new OCL features that might have been used). The code to maintain such compatibility layers is ... awful (remember the API breakage in OCL where "OclInvalid" and "invalid" were inversed between 3.4 and 3.5?)... but we have a way to infer the proper OCL version in use and delegate to reflexive code (or even code that does not compile in the older eclipses) in such cases. OCL using Java 6-only features wouldn't leave us any chance on a "compatibility layer" : to use java 6 code, you need a java 6 VM.

Laurent Goubet

On 23/03/2011 13:57, Adolfo Sánchez-Barbudo Herrera wrote:

El 23/03/2011 12:27, Ed Willink escribió:
I develop with (have as my default JRE) 1.5 to ensure that I don't accidentally use Java 6 library functions,
Note that, although I'm running Eclipse IDE with Java 1.6, I also have the following settings:

- Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs: jre1.6 (default) and jre1.5_22 (added manually by me)
- Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Insttaled JREs -> Execution Environment: J2SE-1.5 -> matches the jre1.5_22 (perfect match)

So that, I don't have any PDE/JDT warning concerning java libraries referenced by our plugins (which specify J2SE-1.5 as the required execution environment).

Does this make sense, now ?

Open Canarias, S.L.
Adolfo Sánchez-Barbudo Herrera
C/Elías Ramos González, 4, ofc. 304
Tel.: +34 922 240231
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fn:Laurent Goubet
org:<a href="";>Obeo</a>

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