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Hello Team,

I've been doing some work concerning the composite repositories, since Kenn announced some cool utilities to doing such stuff (see I've done some progresses, but I would require some feedback to contrast some conclusions...

Firstly, I would like to obtain some agreement concerning our retention policy. I created some lines before taking a break:

Secondly, starting from this retention policy, for indigo we currently have the following P2 repositories.

- One Nightly P2 repo:
- One Interim P2 repo:
- One Milestones composite p2 repo which composes several P2 repositories

- One Releases composite p2 repo which will probably compose several P2 repositories

- Apart from this, I've also created another composite repository which composes the one, so that we provide a general p2 repo, which composes the the current development milestones repository.
- Similarly our mdt/ocl/updates (our public P2 repo URL) should be a composite P2 repo which composes mdt/ocl/update/releases, which again is another composite repo which should compose:

As you may realise there are several bits which should need to be sort out. Let's have some thoughts about the following questions...
- Do we really need to create a version segment (3.1.0) for nightly and interim repositories since we only provide a unique repository ?.
- Similarly we could also avoid using the version segment for milestones repositories. If we comply with our retention policy, as soon as we need to create our first milestone in a development, those from the previous releases could be removed.
- If our public Indigo P2 repo, which should compose the 3 official releases (SR0, SR1, SR2) repositories, is desired to be a composite repo what about if we use 3.1 rather than 3.1.0. The last version number seems unnecessary.
- Where should the RC P2 repositories reside ?. In the milestones one ?, In the releases one ?.... Since I'm thinking that the releases repos are our official public release P2 repos, I think that the milestones p2 repo is the appropriate.
- What about maintenance p2 repos (those interim repos used during the maintenance stream which are different to the official SR1 and SR2 releases)?. We could have an specific "maintenance" folder for them.

With all these considerations and taking into account the retention policy above our different P2 repositories could be structured as follows:
- (composed by /updates/milestones. The 3.1.0 segment could be removed in Indigo+1, since removing now could be risky. it's widely used by other releng's stuff, )
- (composed by /updates/milestones/3.1.0)
- (composed by /updates/milestones/ 3.1.0)
- (composed by /updates)
- (composed by /updates/releases)
- (composed by /updates/releases/3.X)
- (composed by /updates/releases/3.X)
- (composed by /updates/releases/3.X)
- (composed by  /updates/maintenance, note that M represents an M-build, which is an integration build of the current maintenance branch)
- (composed by  /updates/maintenance)

BTW, the only reason to provide a composite repository for our public official release, is to have a unique URL ( from which you may access the different releases of the MDT/OCL project. This URL is that one specified in the different MDT/OCL features and it should not vary as long as new P2 repositories with different content of different releases arrive. I'm not sure if this makes sense. An user could always use an specific URL (for instance  to obtain the features of a concrete release (for instance to decrease the time of loading the content from the repository). I'm not expertise enough in P2 to have an ideal solution.

Another discussions is if we should use "repository" rather than "updates" ;P... This decision has already been taken for instance in Orbit project

Please, let me know if this makes sense, of course I'll have to look into the releng stuff to check that this may be done without any pain (I mean, a lot of investment of my time). Likewise, any improvement in the retention policy and/or how to organize our P2 repositories is very welcome.

Best Regards,
El 23/12/2010 19:14, Adolfo Sánchez-Barbudo Herrera escribió:
Hello Team,

After some days working on the releng, here you have a small report concerning my progress:


As commented, the buckminster based build is quite stable. However, the following are topics in which I've been working on:

- The following bugzilla exposed a problem in our generated artifacts. I've partly fixed the problem since every required .zip contains both and bundles. However, the zip which contains the P2 repository (The all in one Update zip) only contains the bundle and I haven't been able to make it contain the source bundle one... Still pending.
- Due to the recent request about making I-builds ( to create an interim p2 repository with bleeding edge stuff) which should be feeded by the other dependant project (such EMF) Integration P2 repositores, I've configured hudson and the buckminster stuff so that depending on the build-type (N,I,S) our build will be feeded by other dependent project Interim/Integration or Milestones P2 repositories. So that
    1) When doing an MDT/OCL N or I-build, EMF, UML, ..., Integration P2 repositories will be used.
    2) When doing an MDT/OCL S-build (milestone), EMF, UML, ..., Milestones P2 repositories will be used instead.
- Due to EMF and UML doesn't produce nightly P2 repositories, I 've decided to revert to our night-build policy so that now our builds are run when changes are detected in our CVS and they are based on the EMF and UML Intergration P2 repsotories. I think that it doesn't make sense doing a nightly build (which may detect incompatibilities with our dependent projects), if we are not basing our code in some kind of nightly P2 repository.
- I wanted to try to use some publishing scripts from EMF releng, which deal with composite repositories and such. However, since Kenn told me that Mickal is working on them and in its documentation, I prefer to wait a little bit.


- The job has been fixed, which relies on the maintenance branch and it should be only used to manually create M-builds (and the final SR2 build)
- I wanted to create a true M-build with updated content (which means update files, etc). However, I want to clarify this bug before doing any kind of tag on our branch.


- This build is supposed to use our maintenance branch code to do a build. Now, it only differs from the previous job that it uses the "-forceContextQualifier -fetchTag R3_0_maintenance" extra flags, so that instead of using the file the build is feeded by the last maintenance branch code. However, I've not been able to fix this job so far (it complains about not finding an org.eclipse.tests plugin).
- Tomorrow, I'll try to do a deep study of the logs to see what's wrong. I don't know why this worked with HEAD, and despite being identical to the integration job definition it doesn't work neither....  If I don't find a solution tomorrow, I'll probably give up trying to fix this, and we will only have availabe the manual launched build using the file.

P.D: I'll also add an entry to Alex's cheatsheet  concerning the M-build.

Best Regards,

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