> Migrate from git.eclipse.org and Bugzilla to GitLab or GitHub [...] Do current committers or contributors have a preference? Which is likely to be easier to use? Which could bring us more contributors? Github.com is an external site [...]
GitLab is hosted by Eclipse.org
No preference but GitHub reduces contribution friction a bit as a new contributor usually wouldn't need to create an Eclipse GitLab account and most developers have a GitHub account.
+1 to this. the Github PR process is much more familiar to me and I would guess other developers too.
> Eclipse project 2022-06 requires Java 17 – implications if we need a security fix for stand-alone MAT, for example fixes for Eclipse Help / Jetty. Are we happy to require Java 17 to run MAT?
In my opinion, since we've already "broken the seal" on Java 8, I think MAT users should be more comfortable downloading and using different versions of JDKs, especially now that there are so many easy-to-use public download options, so
I think Java 17 is okay, although we'll have to see how DTFJ handles it as it has some module magic that might require some additional JVM launch arguments.
+1 to this also, I think most tools in the development ecosystem target current / newer LTS releases.
I don't have an opinion on the Eclipse framework deprecations (as I don't fully understand it). The asserts seem easy to fix.
For Java the changes seem simple enough, and I if you give the green light I'm happy to get started on these.
- parser - SeekableStream finalize deprecation I think we can do away with, it implements Closeable. We might look at switching to try-with-resources pattern where possible to get some extra Java support for ensuring it's closed correctly whenever it needs to be.
- oql - MethodCallExpression instantiates AccessControlException which is now deprecated, we should use an alternative exception.
- ui - NotesView implements Observer/Observable - but I can't see a reference anywhere else in the MAT codebase; seems like this might be dead code?
- tests - PrimitiveMapTests uses deprecated constructors instead of newer .of() calls.
Kevin Grigorenko
IBM App Platform SWAT