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[m2e-wtp-dev] Deploymetn Assembly needs /target/myproject.war

Hello everyone
I am facing some problems with m2e-wtp regarding the deployment of a simple war to a WebSphere Liberty Profile
The problem is, that in order to deploy successfully using WTP I need to add the exploded WAR-folder generated by Maven (/target/myap.war) to the Deployment Assembly in the Eclipse project properties. When I dont do this, the application is deployt but I cannot access any page (404). M2E-WTP seems to have set all properties correctly (e.g. Deployed Resources) and when I export the project as WAR in Eclipse everything is there (Resources, Overlays, Libs, Configuration), so I don't understand why I have to add the maven-assembly as well?
I am using JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.1 which comes with the latest stable m2e-wtp.

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