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Re: [m2e-users] Add nature and builder during import

Yes it  is possible.  However to do so you need to have an Eclipse plugin that registers a maven project configurator that will be hooked into the lifecycle of the m2e project import process.   See here:

For an example you can see my own company's eclipse plugin where we use this API to "configure" liferay projects with a liferay facet (but you could just as simply add a nature).

So you can make this "configure" logic as complex or dependent on the project being imported as you like.

On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 4:19 AM, klaus <k-Laus@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

is it possible to add an additional nature/builder during import of a maven project into eclipse? Do you know any way to do so?
Even further; is it possible add nature/builder dependening on parent, dependency or plugins mentioned within the pom file?

Any idea is welcome.


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Greg Amerson
Liferay Backend Developer Tools
Liferay, Inc.

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