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Re: [m2e-users] Maven packaging types and m2e-wtp

There's a similar request open at
Please, state your requirements over there, so we make sure to cover a wider range of use cases when a proper solution can be implemented. Chances are it'll require some breaking changes in m2e-wtp, requiring a bump to version 2.0. 

It's preferable we continue this discussion over at m2e-wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

As of today, your only alternative is to fork the interesting classes to match the required behavior.

FYI, I'll basically be away from anything programming stuff related till september 1st

Fred Bricon

On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Nils Liebelt <nils.liebelt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

we have a custom packaging type for war artefacts that executes a few additional goals specific to our needs
extending the default war lifecycle. The custom packaging works create on the commandline but importing
these projects into the eclipse ide leaves us with a project that is not deployable to an wtp target (tomcat). 

What is the easiest way to tell m2e, m2e-wtp to treat this project like an "normal" war project?

As far as I understand m2e-wtp only executes the wtp special configuration for packaging types mentioned here:

The WebProjectConfiguratorDelegate that actually carries out the configuration work is also only package visible.
In the past I wrote plugin that used reflection to make the plugins internal code accessible and delegate to it
but with our recent upgrade to Kepler I revisited the code and it just felt so wrong..

Generally I would like to avoid implementing an eclipse plugin in order to not tie our "platform" to an eclipse

Best regards,


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