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[m2e-users] m2e-wtp 1.0.0 released


m2e-wtp[1] graduated from the Eclipse Incubator to 1.0.0 and is now generally available. It's also included (along m2e) in the Eclipse Kepler Java EE distribution. I expect the number of downloads on the Eclipse Marketplace to fall down now :-)

m2e-wtp 1.0.0 adds support for the new Java EE 7 facets introduced in WTP 3.5.0, as well as a few other goodies. Read the N&N [2] and the changelog [3] to know more about this release.

Oh, and we have logos now, thanks to Leslie and James from the  JBoss Visual Design team :-)
Images intégrées 1Images intégrées 2

So grab Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers [4] or head over to the download area [5], if you want to update Juno installations or add the optional JAX-RS, JPA, JSF configurators.

Thanks everyone who got involved in this release and helped make m2e-wtp a better tool.


Fred Bricon

"Have you tried turning it off and on again" - The IT Crowd

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