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[m2e-users] Project meta data is out of date for technology.m2e

Igor, Jason,
Projects are required to keep meta data up to date using the MyFoundation
Portal (  The following problems were found
with this project's meta-data:

* Project home page (projecturl = does not
have an "About <project>","About This Project" or "Information about
<project>" link. Projects are required to provide that standard link on
their home page (see .
The 'About' link should point to this URL:
* The date for release "1.1.0" is in the past, but the release is not
marked as completed. If it is completed, it should be marked as completed;
if it has been postponed, it should be given a new target date.
* There is no next/future release of this project. All Eclipse projects
must have a "next release" planned and scheduled.

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