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Re: [m2e-users] m2e memory usage

Igor Fedorenko <igor <at>> writes:

> What m2e version do you use and how many workspace projects do you have?
> m2e 1.0 needs about 2M for each workspace project, so 500M seems like
> too much. I'd recommend using a profiler to see what uses all that memory.
> --
> Regards,
> Igor
> On 11-07-27 10:16 AM, Konrad Garus wrote:
> > I've been using m2e for a while and constantly fought problems with
> > memory. I decided to measure it and discovered that without m2e
> > Eclipse for my workspace needs about 500 MB, while with m2e it's
> > _twice_ as much. That's only after opening the workspace, before I
> > change any files or compile!
> >
> > What can I do to decrease memory impact of m2e? I don't care about
> > anything but build path&  dependency management.
> >


If you are right and each eclipse m2e project needs 2MB I may have a problem.
Actually we have 167 (!) projects in the workspace. With mvn eclipse:eclipse
this is ok, eclipse needs about 450-500 MB (I looked up the usage with the MS
Windows Taskmanager). With m2e eclipse uses more than 730 MB. In both cases the
usage increases while working, thus with m2e eclipse needs something more than 1
GB which is too much for our environment (local XP workstation with jboss, db
tool, browser etc.).
Does it mean that m2e isn't recommended for such a big amount of projects?
Best regards

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