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Re: [m2e-users] Maven -> Update Project Configuration

Yes.  I see.  Thanks.

I wonder how they decide when to add it.

On 10/11/2011 03:05 PM, Igor Fedorenko wrote:
Hibernate builder most definitely does not come from m2e. Do you have
jboss-tools or some thirdparty m2e extensions installed?


On 11-10-11 3:45 PM, Steve Cohen wrote:
Yeah, I wish I could provide you with more information, but
unfortunately I was unable to repeat it. I will keep my eyes peeled to
see if it happens again.

I've also noticed that it added the Hibernate builder to many projects
which formerly did not have it. This was never needed before here as my
use of Hibernate (old-fashioned hand-coded .hbm.xml configuration
without annotations or code generation) did not require it. Configs are
hardcoded and don't change. I suppose it decided that on the basis of
Hibernate being in the dependency tree, I don't see what harm it does.
Frankly I have never understood these eclipse "builders".

On 10/11/2011 12:12 PM, Igor Fedorenko wrote:
m2e is not expected to add "random" builders to projects, so if can
provide standalone project and steps to reproduce the problem please
open bugreport in m2e bugzilla.


On 11-10-11 12:58 PM, Steve Cohen wrote:
I had made a couple of changes to my settings.xml, basically to add a
new plugin repository, which affected one workspace I was working in
not another which had a lot of existing code that had previously

When I reopened this workspace, many projects were flagged with the
"need to update project configuration' error, so I updated. This left
uncompilable code. In some cases, this was probably a good thing as the
compiler options were not in synch, indicating holes in my setup and
easily fixed.

But in one annoying case that I can find no justification for, the
process inserted a JAXRS-builder into my project file. (Sorry I cannot
be more exact than that, I can no longer regenerate this
The project in question does not depend on building JAXRS although one
of its dependent modules did. The project would not build without my
manually removing this builder from the .project file, throwing a Null
Pointer exception. After removing this unwanted builder, no problem.

I did try to run Update Project Configuration again and this time it
not insert the JAXRS builder.

Ironically, prior to this misadventure, I had been irritated by the
that m2e would not let the project build until the configuration was
resynched, and then when the resynch occurred, it had always worked, so
I thought, why not make this process automatic? I guess this is my
answer. This is a more complex project than the ones I'd previously
playing with and there are still a few bugs to work out in the updater.

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