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Re: [m2e-users] Hosting corporate m2e marketplace

Do not install org.eclipse.m2e.discovery bundle to completely disable
m2e marketplace functionality. You will have to create custom Eclipse
feature to do this. m2e marketplace url is not configurable.


On 11-08-01 5:10 PM, Julien HENRY wrote:

In my company we are hosting our own Eclipse p2 update site. Our
Eclipse user installations can only access this site. This allow us
to filter and validate plugins before allowing users to get them.

I'm trying to regenerate our update site with Eclipse 3.7 and m2e
1.0. I don't really understand what I can do with plugins coming from
m2e marketplace. Should I also host a corporate m2e marketplace?

Currently I can't even create the update site, because when I try to
include org.eclipse.m2e.feature, I get the following error:

Processing inclusion from feature org.eclipse.m2e.feature: Unable to
find plug-in: org.eclipse.m2e.maven.runtime_1.0.0.20110607-2117.
Please check the error log for more details.

Indeed I don't have org.eclipse.m2e.maven.runtime_1.0.0 anymore,
because it was updated to 1.0.1 by a patch feature (with a red

Embedded Maven Runtime 3.0.3    SONATYPE

I tried to include the patch feature in my custom update site, but
still I get the error message complaining that
org.eclipse.m2e.maven.runtime_1.0.0 can not be resolved.

Any suggestion?



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