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Re: [m2e-users] Autocompletion and nested configuration tags

On 07/12/2011 06:42 PM, Igor Fedorenko wrote:

On 11-07-12 12:29 PM, Rafał Krzewski wrote:
Well, definitely you would have to load Mojo class in order to
introspect it. Which means the ClassRealm for the plugin would have to
be populated, which means all plugin dependencies need to be resolved
and possibly downloaded. That could result in a quite a noticeable pause.
On the other hand, the alternative for the user is googling up plugin's
documentation or finding another POM where the plugin has been used, or
determining the syntax through trial and error, which IMO will take much
longer :)
The information about configuration structure for a specific plugin
artifact could be cached, both in memory and also in the local Maven
repo (in case of SNAPSHOT artifacts a timestamp check would be
necessary). This way the introspection / dependency resolution would
have to be done once per plugin GAV.
If you are concerned that users would still complain about the pause, an
alert box could be displayed with the question "m2e can analyze plugin
configuration to provide better completion suggestions, but it can take
a few seconds, Yes, No, Don't ask me again"

Should I file an enhancement request? ;)

Will it come with a patch attached? ;-)
I wish... My knowledge of Maven internals is limited, so I to would take a fair bit of learning. Either it would turn out as a horrible hack, or it would take a really long time. I'm looking for ways to contribute, and at this point a set of archetypes for easy creation for m2e connectors seems to be the best idea.


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