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Re: [m2e-users] feedback M2E Ingio - m2e connector concept

and perhaps update the warning message box when importing a project:
"Incomplete Maven Goal Execution
Continuing with import will result in projects with build errors, please see 
help for more information
Hide this warning in future"
-> with incomplete build marked as errors?
(notice than with warning markers, the warning message could be simplified to 
"with incomplete build"



Le vendredi 24 juin 2011, Benson Margulies a écrit :
> More people could be made more happy if m2e supported the \option/ of
> storing this data in Eclipse .settings-land instead of the POM, looked
> for an m2e-settings.xml sitting next to the pom, again, optionally.
> Some people might be more happy if it put the config into more compact
> XML in another namespace instead of using a pseudo-plugin, but that
> would require maven core to move to a less antique XML parser.
> Certainly, a user preference to change red xes to yellow triangles
> would be cheap and reduce the amount of pain.
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