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Re: [m2e-users] feedback M2E Ingio - m2e connector concept

I also get the same error when using the cxf codegen plugin.
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: …

I have pasted my config below.

The problem is that m2eclipse does not generate the code now and so my project does not work.
In the old version of m2eclipse (from sonatype) I could execute "update project configuration" which triggered the code generation.

So can I somehow generate the code and configure eclipse for the source dirs with the new m2eclipse version from Indigo?

I already thought the old behaviour that "update project configuration" was necessary was not ideal and hoped that the new version could
simply work with the cxf code gen.

I wonder why a lifecycle plugin is necessary. Can´t this simply be solved generically. I mean it works when doing mvn eclipse:eclipse so why
should it not work in m2eclipse?



Am 24.06.2011 12:45, schrieb Moser, Christian:

Just tried out our build environment with Indigo and m2e


User-experience :


After a full import of all maven projects, I’ve received following error in almost every pom:


Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: …


After clicking around for some time, I found under pom.xml / Overview the possibility to ignore those «not covered plugin-lifecycles »


Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect
Talend Application Integration Division

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