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Re: [m2e-users] Multi module project m2eclipse problem

“Checkout Maven Projects from SCM” is expected to work. Does your parent pom.xml have <module> element for the child?


On 11-03-04 06:34 PM, Weaver, James wrote:

I have Eclipse Helios with 0.12 m2eclipse and subclipse latest stable

I created a new project locally that contains a parent maven module and
one child maven module. I created the child module by using the new
maven module wizard. I ended up with two eclipse projects, one for the
parent maven module, one for the child. Eventually there will be more
child modules. I understand that 0.12 m2eclipse does not support a
single eclipse project with nested maven modules, and that’s fine.

So everything is fine up to this point, but when I check the whole
enchilada into subversion, and other developers with the same eclipse
version / plugin versions try to check it out, we have issues. The file
structure in SVN looks fine. I have at the parent root folder a pom.xml,
a .classpath, and a .project file. In the folder for the child module,
same set of files. This is how it is structured on my local drive where
I initially created things, and how it looks in SVN.

First we tried checkout of the parent using SVN wizard. No good. The
other developer ends up with a single eclipse project, and even though
our .project files for both the parent and child are checked into
subversion, the java nature is ignored. So no build path, source
packages shown in package explorer, etc. All that is missing. It’s just
like a big pile of files and all the eclipse metadata that is present
(.project and .classpath files) are apparently being ignored.

Then we tried using the “Checkout Maven Projects from SCM” wizard. Also
no good. Again, we get a single project in eclipse, and the child module
is just a folder inside this project. And again, the java nature of the
project is lost. There’s a checkbox in this wizard to “check out all
projects”. We have that checked.

So what is the deal? Once I’ve checked a multi-pom project into eclipse,
how the heck does another developer check it out in such a way that they
get one eclipse project for each pom, and the eclipse metadata that is
present in subversion (.project, .classpath etc.) is properly applied to
each of those eclipse projects?

Cheers in advance!

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