Thanks for your reply
I am new to web development so I have a few questions on your questions – sorry.
Is the settings.xml properly specified in the preferences?
Preferences -> user settings -> This is pointing to the .m2/settings.xml – I assume this is all that is required ?
Is this working on the command line?
I am only using maven from within m2eclipse – can I run the command line from here ? if so how ?
You may also want to give a try to
I have tried in the pass to use help -> install new software for m2eclipse version 0.12.0 (being on 0.10.0 at present) but I get the following errors.
- No repository found at
- Cannot satisfy dependency:
How would you load 0.12.1 directly ?
How would you get rid of the error which stop the install at present ?
Thanks again.
Is this working on the command line?
Is the settings.xml properly specified in the preferences?
On 2011-01-14, at 6:29 PM, Nigel Weinronk wrote:
I have the following configuration in the pom.
<!-- Enabling the use of FTP -->
and in the settings.xml in .m2
On “Run as Maven builds.....” goals: wagon:upload-single I get the following error.
Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:wagon-maven-plugin:1.0-beta-3:upload-single (default-cli) on project projectname: Unable to create a Wagon instance for Password not specified for repository projectname
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