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[m2e-dev] creating org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping:pom:1.0.0 in central to avoid MPIR reporting failure


Recently, org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping was added to Maven's parent pom to 
better manage some plugins in m2e: see MPOM-201 [1]
Since then, when doing a plugin management report during documentation 
generation, we get a failure to download org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-
I created MPIR-375 [2] to add a new feature to the report plugin to ignore 
some plugins like this one: this is one option at report level to workaround 
the issue.

But while thinking at it, it would be IMHO easy for m2e to push a basic pom to 
that coordinate and would avoid to add a new configuration in every user's 
pom.xml: is it feasible, please?





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