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[m2e-dev] Build Context implementation


so after reading the page i have worked on a plugin to get an integration with Eclipse...

I tried with mojo codehaus templating-maven-plugin...and a other plugin...

First templating-maven-plugin is a plugin which filters source it's a little more complicated...

The problem i'm currently faced with is that this plugin has it sources in src/main/java-templates plus the appropriate package name... The generated code will be created in target/generated-sources/java-templates...

After the generation of the java files into target/generated-sources/java-templates i have called buildContext.refresh ( outputDirectory)
which tell Eclipse that something has changed in target folder...
which works very well...

But the real problem is that i can't get it to show the real source folder shown correctly in Eclipse...

The folder src/main/java-templates contradiction the folder target/generated/java-templates will be shown as sources folder which seemed to be cause by adding this folder

getMavenProject().addCompileSourceRoot( ... );

If i manually add the src/main/java-templates as a source folder the problem arises that JDT compiles the classes from there automaticially which results in duplicate class messages...

The template plugin already add the folder as compileSourceRoot...which does not implies that the folder is being adding in Eclipse as a source folder...

So the next plugin i have tried to support via buildContext has more or less that same problem...

I can edit the files in Eclipse and simply store and the execution on incremental/configuration will be executed and the result of the generated configuration files can viewed in eclipse also if you
have the generated file already open in Eclipse...

  +-- src
       +--- config
  +-- taget
       + classes
           +--- config

But i can't get to work to get shown the folder src/stage-config being shown as source folder like src/main/resources ?

If i try to go via getMavenProject().addResource()... it will be picked up by maven-resources-plugin... which will cause problems...

I'm not sure where my real problem is located...either a misunderstanding simply a thing or something else...

May be someone has a good idea / hint ?

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

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