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Re: [m2e-dev] Need help for performing support of Apache Tomee in m2e-webby

On 10/13/2014 11:13 AM, COLLIGNON, Thomas wrote:

And for information this is the incompatibility API I’ve Listed in Webby with Cargo 1.14.11-SNAPSHOT , the most important is WAR.setExtraClasspath :


Oh yeah, that one. Below is a copy of email I've sent to Benjamin Bentmann (one of the orginal developers of Webby) back in 2012:

> I was playing around with Servlet 3.0 and I've noticed that my annotated Servlet classes are not being picked up by the container.
> I quickly found which was fixed in Cargo 1.2.4 and I started looking into updating Cargo & Jetty versions used by Webby.
> When I replaced cargo-core-uberjar-1.1.3-948-SNAPSHOT.jar with cargo-core-uberjar-1.2.4.jar in org.sonatype.m2e.webby plugin manifest, I got compile errors in WebbyLaunchDelegate and EmbeddedServerBooter stemming from the fact that org.sonatype.m2e.webby.internal.launch.boot.EmbeddedServerBooter does not have setExtraClasspath(String[]) method.
> I started to dig around the sources and to my surprise I wasn't able to find it neither in Cargo 1.1.2 nor 1.1.3.
> Now, setting up a classpath of the webapp dynamically is crucial to how Webby works, which leads me to speculate that Webby is using patched Cargo codebase. If this is the case, would it be possible to put it on gitghub?
> If there's something else going on here that I cannot see, I'd appreciate any pointers :)

I didn't recieve any reply and I didn't pursue this issue further. Judging from recent github commits Benjamin is still involved in Sonatype projects, so maybe someone on this list knows how to get in touch with him?


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