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Re: [m2e-dev] Maven 3.1.x as embedded in m2e

Yes, I am talking about org.eclipse.m2e.maven.runtime and few related
bundles, like netty and async-http-client (although we'll likely change
http transport to something else in 1.5). These bundles are not
singletons (which we did specifically to accommodate Code Recommenders
requirements), so in theory multiple versions of maven embedder should
be able to coexist in the same runtime provided they are referenced
using Require-Bundle.

I don't know what to do with clients that use Import-Package. Even if it
was obvious how to version individual exported packages, which it is
not, I am not sure package versions will be sufficient to guarantee OSGi
framework wire consistent set of dependencies.


On 2013-08-29 1:00 PM, Andreas Sewe wrote:

Yes, maven 3.1 embedded runtime is coming hopefully before 1.5 is out
but I can't promise specific schedule. Of course, quality patches can
help move things along faster, but do talk to Jason before doing any work.

No, it will not be possible to provide 3.1 as separately installable
feature. m2e will have to updated to reflect changes to susi and aether,
so it will not be compatible with earlier versions of embedder. External
maven installations will of course work.

you are talking about org.eclipse.m2e.maven.runtime, right? What about
other projects (like the upcoming Eclipse Code Recommenders 2.0) that
use this bundle as their supplier of Aether and related libraries.

Will a 1.4 and an 1.4 org.eclipse.m2e.maven.runtime be able to coexist
at runtime? Currently, ...maven.runtime exports packages without
versions, so this may cause problems for us.

Best wishes,


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