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[m2e-dev] developing m2e connectors

Hello all,

first let me introduce myself - I'm Rafał (that'd be Raphael in most other languages), living in Warsaw, Poland. I've been using Maven 1 and Maven 2 for years and I have developed some in-house plugins. I've also contributed a few patches to Maven few years ago. Speaking about the past I've also been Apache commiter a decade ago on Turbine project, ah the good days :).

I've been also following m2e development for a while, and using it with mixed results for developing J2EE applications. I mean - it's great that it was there, but the non-deterministic behavior across workspaces and sessions was really frustrating. I welcome the change of paradigm with plugin lifecycle mapping. Even if it requires more work, you do the work once, and save all the time you'd have to spend chasing phantom problems on each and every eclipse workspace that you or your teammates use.

I appreciate that the documentation for extension contributors was created. Knowing the dynamic in OSS projects I've decided NOT to wait for it :) and started playing with extension development a few weeks earlier, shortly before Indigo release.

If anyone would like to take a look at the result of my efforts, I'd appreciate any comments and suggestions: Here's some minimal documentation and issue tracker

At this point I have connectors for
That's the mainstream stuff. I have also wrapped
in a Maven plugin and created a connector for it, so if you are using in a J2EE application you might want to take look at it.

The connectors are functional and I'm looking forward to releasing a 1.0.0 soon, the only major thing I'm missing are test projects.

I've also had an idea regarding lowering the barrier to m2e extension development - Maven Archetype could be really helpful here.
is my attempt at creating an archetype for adding further modules to my connectors project. A similar archetype for bootstrapping a container project for connectors would complement that.

I'd be happy to have my connectors available through m2e marketplace once it's released. In case of and plugins it probably makes sense to have a centralized project on github and if this comes about, I'd be happy to contribute my code there.


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