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Re: [m2e-dev] General approach to plugins versus eclipse


Very helpful so far. Some followup and a trivial housekeeping question.

The Eclipse CS plugin is a big, complex, hunk of UI. So, it seems to
me, the goal should be to configure it to match the POM configuration,
and then disable it in the maven builds from eclipse. Assuming, of
course, the 'show me errors' goal as opposed to the 'make a report'

I used the term 'temporary' to refer to org.maven.ide.eclipse.temporary.mojos.

The code I'm starting from inherits from
so I see that I can get the information I want about live plugins from

Now for the trivial question, which has to do with bundle IDs and
version numbers. The author of the code up on google names all his
bundles 'org.maven.ide.*'. This strikes me as entirely inappropriate
given that this is just some lump of code out in the community. Do you
agree? Do you have any convention to suggest except to come up with
something unique?

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