Thanks for the replies Maeve and Samuel.
I ended up using a custom DXL script and some of my own REST Web Services to talk to it and return the data I needed instead of using OSLC.
From: lyo-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:lyo-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Samuel Padgett
Sent: 08 July 2013 13:50
To: Lyo project developer discussions
Cc: lyo-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx; lyo-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [lyo-dev] Getting a list of DOORS baselines of a module using OSLC?
Hi, Peter. I think you'll need to ask the DOORS team. As far as I can tell, baselines are not part of the OSLC-RM specification, so they might not be supported in
the DOORS provider.
Samuel Padgett | IBM Rational | spadgett@xxxxxxxxxx
Raymond ---07/03/2013 09:01:24 AM---Hi, I would like to be able to get a list of baselines for a given module of requirements in DOORS a
I would like to be able to get a list of baselines for a given module of requirements in DOORS and then query the requirements contained within that baseline.
Currently I have not found a way to do that using OSLC and DOORS 9.4/DWA 1.5.
If I query the catalogue (http://dwaserver:dwaport/dwa/rm/discovery/catalog)
then walk the hierarchy
of catalogs and service providers I get a structure that seems to have:
Database->Projects->Folders->Modules and Views
The Database is represented by a Service Catalogue. Projects and Folders are also Service Catalogs. Modules appear as Service Providers within a Folder Service Catalog. Views are also represented
as Service Providers under the Folder Service Catalog. I did not find this documented anywhere…just reverse engineered it by packet sniffing and writing little test apps.
But I do not see baselines in that hierarchy.
For example on the DOORS sample database when dumping that hierarchy I see:
Service Provider Catalog with a title of “Training” (the database)
That contains a Service Provider Catalog with a title of “EasyStart Tutorial” (the top level folder)
That contains a Service Provider Catalog with a title of “EasyStart” (my project)
That contains a Service Provider Catalog with a title of “Requirements” (another folder inside the project)
That contains a Service Provider with a title of “Services for User Requirements” (this is my module)
At the same level in the hierarchy I see a Service Provider for each view…e.g. “Services for User Requirements: 1. Basic View”, “User Requirements: Volatility” etc.
But nothing for the 3 baselines I have taken of the User Requirements.
Any idea how to get a list of baselines out of DOORS using OSLC?
Peter Raymond
Principal Software Architect
Serena Software
WWW: http://www.serena.com
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