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Re: [lsp4e-dev] Is there a simple example for implement basic editor features?

Hi Christoph,

Please see the code in org.eclipse.lsp4e.tests.mock where there is a (mock) implementation of LSP4J interfaces.
There is indeed no clear walkthrough about how to implement a Language Server with LSP4J. I looked at the Eclipse Foundation youtube channel, and while there are some videos about general concepts (which might still be interesting to you), there seems to be nothing about LSP4J usage. I remember I used to showcase it 3-4 years ago in a few French JUGs, so you may be able to find those videos, but it's going to be all in French, so probably not so useful to you.
I suggest you start by implementing the LSP4J interfaces with dummy but visible response and binding them in the IDE with LSP4E as explained in Once you're setup with 1 single operation running and see the flow of messages in actions, you'll quickly figure out how to continue for other operations.

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