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Re: [lsp4e-dev] simrel contribution

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 10:00 PM Per Mildner <per.mildner@xxxxx> wrote:
Is it really true that "you don't install LSP4E independently of the language servers and debug adapters that use it”?

It was my understanding that LSP4E on its own can give the Generic Text Editor access to many powerful language server-based features by just adding the necessary content type definition and language server connection settings to the Eclipse preferences, without the need to install any plugins specific to the new language and language server. You need a language server of course, but they are typically external to Eclipse anyway.

That's right. However, this is more something for testing and not for end-users in my opinion. So it's something that's not really promoted to end-users. Are you actually using it as it? If so, was installation of LSP4E in your IDE an issue in the current state?
And even so, just installing the bundle would work as well as if there were a feature.

I even challenge Doug's "Features are really for things users install", as i think even for this, a bundle can be enough and simpler. In some cases, features are just noise over a single bundle with correctly defined dependencies.

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