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Re: [lsp4e-dev] Eclipse aCute leverages LSP4E's DAP support for .NET debugging

+1 to everything you said, especially having multiple real implementations before designing anything common :-)
Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders Ltd.

On Tue, 10 Jul 2018 at 10:20, Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 10:38 AM, Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I don't have any immediate plans to make integrations easier for Debug :-(

I don't think there is something easy to do on the topic of making it easier. The current state maps perfectly the design of DAP and integrates perfectly so it's doing the job as expected; it's just that integrating a Debug Adapter is by design of the DAP more difficult than integrating a LSP. The difficulty compared to LSP comes by the fact the we need specific UI and to write debugger-specific LaunchDelegate (inheriting DSPLaunchDelegate) as the JSon message is debugger specific. In VSCode, it's similar, expect there is no UI to configure the debugging, but the extension has to generate the launch file properly and the user has to face this launch file.
The UI part cannot really be automated or eased properly because so far UX requires human design, and development requires SWT knowledge + Platform.debug understanding (not high requirement as APIs are relatively easy). Alternative would be models of UI to render, but let's just say unless we rely on a very solid standard, it's not easier than SWT.
The part about the JSon message could be one we could maybe improve by introducing some basic data-binding API that do not require Eclipse knowledge (like pre-populating the GSon object as best and letting integrator alter it in an Eclipse-independent "tweakLaunchJSon" method), but it's IMO too early to start on this topic (we'd need at least 2 implementations to figure out some profitable ideas, and we currently have only 1).
I think the best thing that we can do short term is code up an example, or perhaps point to Eclipse aCute as the exemplary implementation?

Point to aCute is IMO the fastest and best way. The resulting code in aCute isn't hard to grok and can be mimicked without too much difficulty.
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