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Re: [lsp4e-dev] Preferences for particular language servers

> I think this is a very common use-case that plugins based on LS also ship some preference pages to tweak them. [...]
> And indeed, a user may get to the LS pref page as entry point to tweak a LS, and may not realize that customization happens someplace else.
> So I'm entirely in favor of adding a link from a mapping to another preference page. This could be achieved simply by adding a preferencePageReference attribute to the org.eclipse.lsp4e/contentTypeMapping extension point and rendered in the table as an hyperlink or something similar.
> Feel free to provide a patch about this anytime, I would really welcome it and make sure we can collaborate to get this integrated soon.

Thanks for the suggestion! I filed bug 535429 [1] to track this.

I'm not sure yet if we'll be able to fit this into the CDT/LSP GSoC project schedule, but we'll keep it in mind. If someone else would like to implement it, please don't hesitate :)



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