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Re: [lsp4e-dev] Targetting Photon on master?

On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 6:23 PM, Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
are the current new features I have in mind. Note that some features in LSP4E do already rely on those and would simply not be "detected" is using LSP4E in pre-4.8, but wouldn't fail LSP4E.
And here are a few links to bugfixes that LSP4E could build upon to improve some of its code:
Moreover, the backlog and plan for Platform 4.8 contains several possible other things LSP4E should use for better quality. We're only half-way to 4.8 since June, so imagine how can this list be in 6 more months. That's a lot of improvements and innovation we cannot delay to offer to our users IMO (at least, from our perspective at Red Hat, the value here is clearly worth not supporting older versions).

To that list, I'd like to add all the changes regarding content-type (which were done for 4.8.M1 and 4.8.M2) to allow people to dynamically define content-types to associate them with language servers and thus enabling language assistance in Eclipse IDE without installing any plugin.

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