thanks for your suggestion. We look forward to see Grigory and Euguene as PL of the project.
- Make sure you're logged into your EF account, only project committers can nominate a new project lead or vote in a project lead election
- Use the Committer Tools › Nominate a Project Lead link on the corresponding project page to start a project lead election.
- A project lead election starts with a statement of merit. The merit statement should, rather than focus on specific code contributions, focus instead on the leadership qualities expressed by the individual.
- To be successful, a project lead election must receive a minimum of three positive +1 votes. Any committer can veto the election by casting a -1 vote.
- Following a successful committer vote, the project’s
PMC will review the election results and then either approve or veto the election. A PMC-approved
election will be referred to the EMO/ED as a recommendation for appointment. The final decision rests with the EMO/ED.
Hope this information is useful.
kind regards,
Maria Teresa