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[linux-ide] FW: Linux Tools Meeting, trace

PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 11.0 MIMEDIR//EN
DESCRIPTION:Hi\,\n\nIan ask me to schedule the next meeting around trace\,
  the time is late for Europe (16h30 Stockholm) and early for California
  (7h30 San Jose).\nThe goal of the meeting is to identify which features
  in the area of trace/debug are of interest for the work group.\nBefore
  the meeting\, please update to list
  which trace/debug features are interesting for your organization\, this
  should speed up the meeting.\nWe have people from Red Hat\, Ericsson\,
  Cisco\, Samsung\, Google\, TI\, Freescale\, ST Microelectronics\, and
  most likely a few others on the mailing list\, the meeting should be
  interesting.\n\nIf I see that many people cannot make it Wed. June 2 I
  can schedule the meting for Wed. June 9 at the same time.\n\nBest
  Regards\,\n\nSametime\n----------------\nConference Link:
 -087613027\nConference ID: s-087613027\n\nIf this is your first meeting
  with ERICSSON\, we recommend that you perform a system check to ensure a
  successful conference.\nClick this link to begin the check:\nIf you have any
  questions or need assistance\, contact ERICSSON support at
  1-888-376-0105\n\n\nPhone\n-----------\nPasscode: 8051 906 #\n\n1
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  Panama\, Panama City \n+63 2 789 1564 Local Philippines\, Manila \n+48 22
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  \n+34 91339 4400 Local Spain\, Madrid \n+46 10 71 33200 Local Sweden
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  Thailand\, Bangkok \n+216 71168 522 Local Tunisia \n+971 4 8134555 Local
  UAE \n+1 678 320 5775 Local USA\, Atlanta\, GA \n+1 425 957 3775 Local
  USA\, Boulder\, CO \n+1 410 884 5960 Local USA\, Columbia\, Maryland \n+1
  714 338 0940 Local USA\, Irvine\, CA \n+1 913 217 4139 Local USA\,
  Leawood\, KA \n+1 973 775 1733 Local USA\, Parsippany\, NJ \n+1 972 583
  3200 Local USA\, Plano\, TX \n+1 925 737 5988 Local USA\, Pleasanton\, CA
  \n+58 212 273 1840 Local Venezuela\, Caracas \n+844 3 850 0776 Local
  Vietnam\, Hanoi \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
SUMMARY:Linux Tools Meeting\, trace

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