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Re: [leshan-dev] Running in to OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread while scale testing

The number of thread which could be allocated by the JVM is limited by severals OS settings.
I suppose you are running on a linux machine as you are talking about "ulimit".

On my laptop  I was limited around 10,800 threads by default.
After tweaking my debian configuration I was able to run ~120,000 threads.

A default Leshan client uses 10 threads :
 - 1 UDP sender   (from element-connector)
 - 1 UDP receiver (from element-connector)
 - 2 Deduplicator  (from californium)
 - 1 Coap Server   (from californium)
 - 1 DTLS sender   (from scandium)
 - 1 DTLS receiver (from scandium)
 - 1 DTLS retransmit (from scandium)
 - 1 DTLS connectionHandler (from scandium)
 - 1 registration engine (from leshan)

You can reduce it by removing 3(UDP+1deduplicator) or 5(DTLS+1deduplicator) threads if your are using only UDP or only DTLS.
To do that LeshanClientBuilder.disableUnsecuredEndpoint() or disableSecuredEndpoint()...

But this is still 5 or 7 threads by clients for a simulator which would run thousands of clients that's means thousands of threads ... there is no way this was a good design... We should fix this so I open an issue about that :

I suppose we should change the code a bit to be able to use only one thread pool executor for all the clients.
Currently this is partially done, you can set a common executor for DTLSConnectionHandler and CoAP server so you will save 2 more thread by clients.

With Leshan 1.0.0-M5, the tricks looks like this :

final ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); // the executor to use for all clients

builder.setEndpointFactory(new EndpointFactory() {
    public CoapEndpoint createUnsecuredEndpoint(InetSocketAddress address, NetworkConfig coapConfig,
            ObservationStore store) {
         return new CoapEndpoint(address, coapConfig);
    public CoapEndpoint createSecuredEndpoint(DtlsConnectorConfig dtlsConfig, NetworkConfig coapConfig,
            ObservationStore store) {
        DTLSConnector dtlsConnector = new DTLSConnector(dtlsConfig);
        dtlsConnector.setExecutor(new StripedExecutorService(executor));

        return new CoapEndpoint(dtlsConnector, coapConfig, null, null);
client =;

Waiting we are better you can try to play with linux limits configuration but maybe you will face Azure limitation.

Personnaly, I was first limited by UserTasksMax=33% in  /etc/systemd/logind.conf and /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max set to 32768. (~10900)

Some resources which could help you :

I was using this kind of code to check my modification :

public class MaxThreadCounter {
    private static int count = 0;
    public static void main(String[] argv) {
        System.out.println("Counting ...");
        while (true) {
            try {
                new Thread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        while (true) {
                            try {
                            } catch (Throwable e) {
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                System.err.println("Number of thread :" + count);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e1) {

(This is a bit painful, some modification need reboot, others does not persist after a reboot ...If I well understand this is also not a so good practice to allow so much thread...)

If you are interested by the issue 491, do not hesitate to contribute code, I can even guide you a little.



Le 21/03/2018 à 01:48, Bhonde, Jyotsna a écrit :



We are scale testing. Our simulator is in Azure and what we have noticed is that we get following exception when we have about 3500 leshan simulators.


                EXCEPTION:OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

                                java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

                                java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)









Has anybody come across this problem and any suggestions on how to go about resolving this problem?


Available memory to the container is 25gb ram and it has used up 10gb.


Settings at the docker engine level are are follows:


                / # ulimit -a

                -f: file size (blocks)             unlimited

                -t: cpu time (seconds)             unlimited

                -d: data seg size (kb)             unlimited

                -s: stack size (kb)                8192

                -c: core file size (blocks)        0

                -m: resident set size (kb)         unlimited

                -l: locked memory (kb)             82000

                -p: processes                      unlimited

                -n: file descriptors               1048576

                -v: address space (kb)             unlimited

                -w: locks                          unlimited

                -e: scheduling priority            0

                -r: real-time priority             0


I was looking in to tweaking these properties: NETWORK_STAGE_RECEIVER_THREAD_COUNT and NETWORK_STAGE_SENDER_THREAD_COUNT in But I don't think that will help much since it seems the resource issue is at the system level.




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