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[leshan-dev] OMA Open Source Survey

Dear Leshan developers,


OMA is reaching out to you to ask for your response to an important industry survey.  The purpose of this survey is to help the mobile/IoT industry understand the role Open Source Software and Open Source Associations play in our industry. The information you provide us will guide standardization practices within OMA and will be a resource for partner organizations and the industries we serve.  A summary of results will be available on the OMA public website and a more detailed set of results will be available to all those who respond to the survey.


Our intention is to ask for your opinion as industry professionals and not as official spokespersons for your company.  The individual responses you make will remain confidential.  However, we will use the results in an aggregate form along with any relevant statistical analysis of the entire body of responses.  We are asking for your company affiliation and your name and contact information so that we can validate that the responses are coming from representatives of the telecom and wireless industries, and so that we can share a summary of the results with respondents.  


The survey consists of 25 questions and should only take about 10 minutes to complete.  Also, please feel free to forward this along to others you feel would have valuable input.  Follow this link to complete the survey




Director of Technical Programs

Open Mobile Alliance |

Cell: (+1) 858 249 8300

Skype: (+44) (0) 208 144 7699

Skype/Yahoo: jpradocueva

Email: jprado@xxxxxxxxxx


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