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[leshan-dev] Clarification regarding LESHAN server and client demo


I am learning LWM2M technology using Leshan.
I have downloaded the source files and demo jar files from
I have few doubts regarding the demo server and demo client.

1) I am trying to run the Leshan server and client demo jar files.
When I run both server & client in the same machine, Client details are listed in the server.
But, when I start server in one machine and client in other machine (connected via WiFi), server doesn't list client details.
I am starting the server using the following command:
"java -jar leshan-server-demo.jar -lh -lp 5683"

and client using the following command:
"java -jar leshan-client-demo.jar -lh -lp 5683 -u"

In client side wireshark, I could see client sending Coap Registration message and in 
server side wireshark, I could see the incoming Coap Registration message.
But, the details are not reflected in the WebServer page.

Can you please help me to figure out where I am going wrong?

2)  I wanted to understand the flow from Coap to LWM2M server. I am trying to put some logs in corresponding files.
Is there any way I can compile the source files using eclipse and get the client and server jar files.

Rajesh Kumar S R

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