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[leshan-dev] Release Process

  I would like to create a new hudson task to simplify the release process.
  I will take inspiration from the great job done for californium.

This new task should be started manually and will take 2 parameters (RELEASE_VERSION and NEXT_VERSION).
  The task description :
     * Checks out current master's HEAD
     * Change version to RELEASE_VERSION
           mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${RELEASE_VERSION} -Pall
     * Builds and tests it
mvn clean install javadoc:javadoc -DsnapshotDependencyAllowed=false -Pall
     * Tags it with ${RELEASE_VERSION}
            git add **/pom.xml
            git commit -m "Bump version to ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
            git tag leshan-${RELEASE_VERSION}
* Deploys artifacts to Maven Central's staging repo with autoReleaseAfterClose=true (no staging step)
            mvn clean deploy -Prelease,all
     * Change version to NEXT_VERSION
            mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${NEXT_VERSION} -Pall
     * Pushes newly created tags to GitHub
            git add **/pom.xml
            git commit -m "Bump version to ${NEXT_VERSION}"
            git push repo.git && git push --tags repo.git

   Does it sounds good ?
I create an issue[1] on bugzilla to ask to eclipse admins to make this possible.

Maybe we could also automatically create the new release entry in github releases[2] and send a mail on the mailing list too?



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