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Re: [kura-dev] Kura and mToolkit

<stuff deleted>

Is it possible to run ECF on other OSGi containers than Equinox (at least the server side components)? Can you deploy on selective remote management (e.g. framwork + bundle management, but not P2 and wiring?).

Yes to both questions. The mgmt bundles at [3] have been created with minimal dependencies, such that one can 'pick and choose' the managers to use (e.g. BundleManager, ServiceManager, WiringManager, FeatureInstallManager, etc.).

<stuff deleted>
BTW, last night I started an Eclipse UI that uses the IBundleManager remote mgmt API, which will allow bundle start/stop/install/update/uninstall. I'll try to commit it today the [3] plugins directory.

I've committed an Eclipse UI that uses the IBundleManager and IServiceManager remote services [3][3a]. This includes a 'Remote Bundles view' for examining, starting, stopping, installing/uninstalling bundles, and a 'Remote Services View' for examining the services running in a remote framework.

See screen shots of the remote bundles view [4] and the services view [5]. These two examples are accessing an Eclipse endpoint...although they can access any OSGi runtime.



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