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Re: [kura-dev] Kura on Intel Edison

Hi Jason,

I can confirm there is an issue with the full Kura installation on the latest Intel Edison image (Linux edison 3.10.17-poky-edison+). I believe the issue stems from the single WiFi interface on the Edison. The full Kura installation uses this interface to setup the Edison as a WiFi access point. I tried a couple of different approaches to get the Edison into a usable state, but all failed. I have filed an issue in Github [1] to track the issue. In the meantime, I would recommend using the ‘nn’ installer as you have already done.

Thanks for reporting the issue.


On Dec 18, 2015, at 18:10, Harper, Jason M <jason.m.harper@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

FWIW, I’ve made some progress in getting a stable system.  I used the ‘nn’ (no network) build this time and removed the system configuration changes from the install script before running it… so no network, firewall, auto-start (init.d) type OS configuration changes were made by the installer.  Now, I can run the script and things seem pretty stable -- at least the configuration web app is behaving now.
More experimenting to come.
From: kura-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:kura-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Harper, Jason M
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 3:10 PM
To: kura-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [kura-dev] Kura on Intel Edison
I recently started evaluating (playing with) Kura on the Intel Edison. I’m experiencing some problems getting it going. 
What is the expected completeness/robustness of Kura 1.3 on Edison?
Which Linux distribution does Kura support on Edison?  Note: I’m using the Intel IOT Dev Kit image (Yocto).
An example of a problem that I’m observing is with the administration web application.  I can log in with admin/admin and see the web app, but clicking on any of the icons under “System” results in “Loading…”…that never loads.  Note: the first time I tried it after installation, some information was displayed.  In addition, there are no options under “Services”, whereas the first execution showed some icons/options.
Being new to the environment, I don’t know how to diagnose the problem(s).  Any insights appreciated.
Note: I’m using the Kura 1.3.0 Extended Download for Intel Edison (With Web UI) from here:
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