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Re: [kura-dev] CoAP support in Kura through Eclipse Californium

Hi Buddhika,
   I'm posting your issues and questions to the kura_dev list because they may be of interest to others.
If you find bugs in Kura or have troubles building it, please file a bug to:

> I built the project from the information I got from the readme file from Git. It had 189 errors.
> Those were in
> org.eclipse.kura.example.project
> org.eclipse.kura.example.publisher
> org.ecliple.kura.example.serial.publisher
> from those, in had some package naming errors.
> For example, package was there inside the classes of the
> package but it was the name of the project so it gave error. Those errors were
> fixed.
I assume that building Kura with Maven succeeded and you have problems/errors after importing the projects in Eclipse.
Is this correct?

Can you describe your environment in detail (OS/Java/Maven/Eclipse versions)?
Did you follow the steps described in the project README? Did you need changing something?
Try importing the projects in Eclipse as Java projects instead of Maven projects. Does this help?
I see you are on Linux. I'm on Linux too so I should be able to help.

Also, it's very important that, if you fix a problem, you share the information on how you did it.

> Other errors are saying that it cannot resolve the import. I'm working on that. If you have any idea
> please tell me.

Please try pulling the latest changes from github and see if they fix the issue.

> I'm going to run Kura emulator on my PC as you suggested. If you can give me an idea how to begin
> it, that would be nice.

The first step is to fix the compile errors in the Eclipse workspace.
After that you could connect the Kura emulator to some MQTT broker like the one at Eclipse IoT:

and learn how to publish and subscribe and the format and encoding (KuraPayload) of the MQTT payload used by Kura.
In order to connect to the Eclipse IoT MQTT broker you have to set the broker URL in the MqttDataTransport configuration.
Usually you don't need to manually edit the Kura configuration but you use the Kura Web UI to do that.
Unfortunately the project is still waiting for IP approval of one of its dependencies.
For the time being you can copy the file in {kura_repository}/kura/distrib/src/main/resources/raspberry-pi-nn/snapshot_0.xml
to /tmp/kura/snapshots/ (create the directory if it does not exist) and set the Eclipse IoT broker URL in the MqttDataTransport element:

            <esf:property name="broker-url" array="false" encrypted="false" type="String">

Also set the following DataService configuration property to true (default: false):

           <esf:property name="" array="false" encrypted="false" type="Boolean">

If you start the emulator it should be able to connect to the broker.
After connecting to the broker you can install some example project in the framework and familiarize with the Kura CloudService and KuraPayload.

> I searched for californium examples and I could find some. So I'm going to run those and get an
> idea.
Great. There is an CoAP server at Eclipse IoT.

Let's keep posting our progress here on the kura_dev ML.


On 22/05/2014 06:43, Buddhika Dilhan wrote:
Hi cristiano,

I'm sending my email as a work document so that you can make changes to my comments and I think it is easier you to reply like that. 

hope you don't angry with me. :)

Buddhika Dilhan
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Moratuwa.

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Cristiano De Alti <cristiano.dealti@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Buddhika,
  I think we can start our project.
If you have not done it yet I advice you fork your own copy of the Kura repository on github:

You should then commit your changes on your copy.
Then your changes could be applied upstream using git's pull requests.

How to start with Kura. Have you already tried running the Kura emulator on your PC?
To better understand and have a feeling with the Kura remote device management over MQTT I will
create a test account for you on our EC sandbox.

Do you have a plan on how to start trying integrating CoAP in Kura.
Did you run any Californium examples/tutorials?

Please send me an update with your comments,


On 28/04/2014 06:37, Buddhika Dilhan wrote:
Hi Cristiano,
It is ok as my second year final exams also going these days which ends May 4th. :)


Buddhika Dilhan
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Moratuwa.

On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 8:17 PM, De Alti, Cristiano <Cristiano.DeAlti@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Buddhika,

    I'm out of offfice until May, 2th.

I'll get in touch with you when I'm back in the office.



Da: Buddhika Dilhan <buddhika.dilhan5@xxxxxxxxx>
Inviato: venerdì 25 aprile 2014 11.11
A: De Alti, Cristiano
Oggetto: Re: CoAP support in Kura through Eclipse Californium
Hi Cristiano,
Thanks for the support you given in the GSoC application process. Hope to hear from you soon. Better to inform me about a future communication media. And also it would be better if you can give me some clues to start the project ASAP. 


Buddhika Dilhan
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Moratuwa.

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Buddhika Dilhan <buddhika.dilhan5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Cristiano, 
I'm studying the code base these days. If you have any special suggestions please give me. 


On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 6:17 PM, Buddhika Dilhan <buddhika.dilhan5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It's ok. But it is good if you can tell me some rough idea and a point to start my project. so that I can have a look at them early :) 


On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Cristiano De Alti <cristiano.dealti@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Buddhika,
  Thanks for submitting the proposal. I wanted to explain more details about it but I could not find the time this week (distracted by some "emergencies").
I'll let you know more next week.


On 21/03/2014 12:46, Buddhika Dilhan wrote:
Thank you very much for encouraging me to submit the proposal.
I submit a proposal but I  feel it doesn't contain much information I'm sorry if that so. If I could contact you more often, I could have improve the proposal more. However that will not be a problem when we start the project. :) 

Thank you very much,
Buddhika Dilhan

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 1:49 PM, Cristiano De Alti <cristiano.dealti@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
   You need to submit your project proposal into the Google dedicated system *before the end of the week*.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: CoAP support in Kura through Eclipse Californium
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 17:32:36 +0100
From: Cristiano De Alti <cristiano.dealti@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Buddhika Dilhan <buddhika.dilhan5@xxxxxxxxx>

  Thanks for your interest. I'm sorry for the late answer.
We will provide you more information early next week.

Best Regards,

On 08/03/2014 19:07, Buddhika Dilhan wrote:

I am a BSc(Eng) Undergraduate from University of Moratuwa Srilanka studying Computer Science and Engineering.
I have been quite attracted  by this project idea. I am a proficient java developer and I want to get involved in this developer community. 

It is very helpful if you can provide some information about the project so that I can start on the project soon.

Buddhika Dilhan

Cristiano De Alti
Principal Software Engineer

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Cristiano De Alti
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Cristiano De Alti
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Cristiano De Alti
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