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[kura-dev] namespaces and remote services

Hi Kura devs,

I just watched with interest a video from recent EclipseCon on 'Advanced MQTT and Kura: Best Practices for Topic Namespaces in M2M Applications" [1]. I enjoyed the talk.

One thing that I thought I would point out that may be useful to the Kura team...since you are apparently using OSGi/OSGi services...and MQTT for inter-process communication.

OSGi remote services (chap 100 in enterprise R4.3+ spec) provides a means to make arbitrary OSGi services available remotely. Like all OSGi services, these remote services are semantically described by java interfaces and the classes they reference...e.g:

public interface MyActuatorConfigurator {

    public IStatus getStatus();
    public IStatus executeCommand(String commandId);

(I'm obviously making these up...but this is just meant to be representative)


The OSGi remote services spec specifies the behavior of a distribution provider...which...using some unspecified/implementation specific means of inter-process communication...makes instances of MyActuatorConfigurator (or any other service) available to remotes...which can...using all the normal means of acquiring OSGi services (e.g. ServiceReference, ServiceTracker, DS, blueprint, etc) get a proxy constructed by the distribution system...and then use that proxy at the application level (i.e. call the getStatus() and/or executeCommand methods). Particularly because of the dynamic nature of OSGi services, this works very nicely with remote services...which are inherently more dynamic (e.g. because they can become unavailable due to network failure). Note that all of the association between serviceIds, bundleIds, endpoint/remote service ids and the actual implementation of MyActuatorConfigurator is managed by the distribution provider...making it very easy for consumers to get/track/release the service instances they want without having to have a lot of information.

Three other things that are particularly nice about OSGi Remote Services (IMHO) is that it a) takes into account/allows for versioning of the service interface...along with multiple versions of a single service type; b) it's very easy to use existing OSGi classes to represent network failure (i.e. ServiceException) and; c) has very flexible service-level security (e.g. package and/or service ServicePermissions).

Anyway...the above is specified via OSGi Remote Services/RSA. None of what's described above is implementation-specific. We/ECF have a full compatibility-test-suite-compliant impl of these specifications [2]. There are other impls as well: one is Apache CXF...and there are others.

One thing that I believe distinguishes ECF's impl, however, is that we have an open, extensible, community-hardened APIs that allow new distribution providers to be easily created...either by extending existing providers, or by creating completely new ones. There's a brief tutorial doing creating a REST/http-based+json [3]. There are a number of these providers that we have already created (ECF generic, r-osgi/http, REST-based provider, XML-RPC, JMS, JavaGroups, Restlet/JAX-RS, etc)...but the one that is probably most interesting/useful in the m2m context is our relatively new MQTT provider (uses Paho 0.5.0 to implement) [4].

One reason I bring this up is that while watching this talk, it occurred to me that it would be very easy to 'wrap' what you have done (associate a MQTT topic with a remote service semantics) by defining some new OSGi remote services with desired semantics, and simply extending the ECF MQTT provider with new Namespaces (ecf's core APIS include extensible IDs/Namespaces). Like all ECF APIs and their impls/providers, it is open/open source and so may be extended if desired.

One advantage such 'wrapping' would have is that your existing transport/wire protocol wouldn't have to change at all...and existing non-OSGi devices would simply use MQTT as they are now...alongside OSGi clients...that would have access to remote services (and yet would use the same underlying topics, namespaces, messages, as well as the MQTT protocol).

In any event I thought the above information...about OSGi Remote Services...and ECF's impl...might prove useful to Kura...since you are obviously using both OSGi (and therefore OSGi services), and MQTT...and ECF's open provider architecture does allow easy and standards compliant creation/customization of distribution providers...allowing you to easily expose your existing MQTT-based communications as standards-compliant OSGi Remote Services.




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