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[kapua-dev] impl-consoleV2 branch maintenance needed

Hello all,


the impl-consoleV2, the branch who holds the first implementations of the Patternfly console, has unfortunately diverged quite a bit from develop; currently, GitHub says it is  134 commits ahead and 311 commits behind develop. I tried to simply rebase it, but there are quite a bit on conflicts, since this branch contains not only the console but also some changes we introduced to support new authentication schemes. These changes we also further refactored in other branches and merged in develop, so the files contained in impl-consoleV2 are almost certainly out of date.


In order to fix this without losing the commit history, my idea was to delete the impl-consoleV2 remote branch, and recreate it branching from the latest develop, cherrypicking only the commits that are implementing the new console itself (i.e. only commits pertaining files contained in the console-v2 folder).


So, first of all I’d like to know if someone has better ideas than mine: I know it’s not a perfect solution, but that looks to me like the best one given the circumstances; I would be more than happy to get some feedback and hopefully a better solution!


In any case, I’d like also to know if someone is doing some work on the impl-consoleV2 (apart from Marko Tomić, who has already been warned about this issue and is aware of the situation) in order to avoid any annoyance to anyone. I’ll wait for a few days waiting for anyone to read this mail and coordinate this maintenance.


In the end, I promise I’ll keep the branch in sync more often in the future, until it will be merged directly into develop. I’m sorry I lost track of this situation, but when the development on the Patternfly console slowed down it honestly slipped from my mind.




Claudio Mezzasalma | Eurotech

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