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Re: [jwt-dev] JWT build & SOA PMC meeting notes

Hi Chris

about the upcoming release :
* we should update the website introductory blurb to something including "SOA" (TLP) and "extensible", "heterogeneous" (or something like that, I'll propose one shortly) * in feature, branding, build (anywhere else ?), we should a. change everything talking about Technology to SOA, b. update the JWT introductory blurbs to the website introductory blurb
  * finally we should be ready to update the version
* we should change the download category from General Purpose Tools to SOA in the yearly release update site, as OK'ed by Zsolt in an email on May the 19th

How far are we from that ? (If we can't do it, we're not ready for 1.0.0 to be our next version number)

other things :
* review slides are due on May the 28th, I can do them if you're OK with that
  * I've commited copy/paste for aspects yesterday

& my answers in the text :

Christian Saad a écrit :
Hi Marc,

thanks for participating and the status update.

A few notes from my side:
* I think it would be best to postpone the technical part of the move to SOA until after Helios so we're not in risk of failing some critical release date due to technical difficulties. Afterwards, as you said, it's time to set the wheels in motion ;)
* Is it planned to integrate with the SOA build or are we going to keep our own build process? (which I think we could do since we don't have dependencies to other SOA projects). In the former case, is there already a decision who will do the releng for SOA in the future?
Depends on what's gonna be done in SOA, but a sensible thing would be to merge builds if / when they go to Athena CBI-based build
* Since we already have a branding for JWT we're on the safe side for Helios and I think it's a good idea to leave it at that for the release. Maybe we could discuss it again after the release? (but it's probably not the most important issue and we'll have a full year for the next release)
* For the SOA introduction page: What's your opinion on opening a wiki page where all projects can work on the page before submitting it to the IWG?
Not approved yet, still being discussed

Thanks again!


Am 19.05.2010 11:06, schrieb Marc Dutoo:
Hi Chris

Thanks for the info, you're showing a lot of obstination indeed, good luck !

Besides, my notes of what was said during the SOA PMC meeting yesterday :

---++ SOA TLP PMC conf call 20100518
* provisioning : jwt still under technology because of build process ((hope you agree)) ; TODO LATER under soa provisioning, including opening the right bugzillas & changing the project metadata accordingly * branding : jwt keeps his (also update the website blurbs), others don't have one ; but an introductory page to the whole SOA package that includes the blurbs and website of every subprojects would be nice -> TODO Marc proposal "introductory page" on the mailing list, so the IWG can discuss it * website : TODO update & sync the SOA & own website blurbs (we have the right to edit the SOA website for that)


Christian Saad a écrit :
Hi Marc,

just FYI: I'm trying a few new angles, so there are a lot of fail messages atm. The build is now started as an ant instead of a shell script which allowed to switch to a newer version of the basebuilder which seems to do a good job with the old compile problem. However, it fails during the pack200 stage which seems to be a known bug.


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