Hi Andrea,
as mentioned at EclipseCon I now got a group of students who are willing to assist me in implementing the transformations from the JWT model to the STP IM model. They will probably use ATL for these transformations and the expected outcome (the development of the transformations) will be finished in mid July.
Right now they are looking into the two metamodels and make a first proposal which concepts should be mapped into each other. But, as the information on the wiki is probably outdated, I asked them to have a look at the STP SVN. However, it seems that the address where I downloaded my last version of the STP IM is not valid anymore. Could you please let me know which address contains the latest version of the STP IM and maybe you might also have some further documents that describe the STP IM?
Thanks in advance and best regards,
Dipl.-Inf. Florian Lautenbacher
Programming Distributed Systems Lab
Institute of Computer Science
University of Augsburg
Universitätsstr. 14
86135 Augsburg, Germany
phone: +49 821 598-3103
fax: +49 821 598-2175