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[jstl-dev] underline text in asciidoc - Any ideas?


We have a number of areas in our specification document where we need to render something like the following in asciidoc:

<c:set var=”varName” [scope=”{page|request|session|application}”]

The difficult part in asciidoc is getting the underline in a literal block. For example I've tried the following:

<c:set var=”varName” [scope=”{+++<u>page</u>+++|request|session|application}”]

This actually renders properly in the HTML document but the PDF it does not. I've yet to come up with a solution to get this formatting correct in asciidoc format.

1) Any thoughts on how this might be done?
2) If no ideas, would anyone be opposed to changing section "2.1.2 Syntax Notation" ?

Current table text:
[...]  -> What is inside the square brackets is optional
{option1|option2|option3|...}  -> Only one of the given options can be selected
value  -> The default value

Proposed table text:
Keep everything but the last row the same:

value -> The default value

The gist of the change is making the default value bold rather than underlined.

Thoughts / comments?


Paul Nicolucci

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