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[jsp-dev] Flushing Data during an Import

I have a small question, and I need some assistance with it. It's regarding JSTL -- I've opened issues within the Apache & Eclipse communities, but haven't received any feedback. I hope the JSP community may provide assistance instead.
The original issue is found here: with screenshots of the behavior.
To keep it brief, I'm wondering what behavior should the c:import tag have when the imported file has a flush.out() located within it.
- Should the contents before the flush appear on the page where the import tag is located or should all the contents be shown together once the variable is displayed (through the c:out tag)

Although this is related to the JSTL implementation, can anyone chime in here?

My understanding is that this is related to the JspWriter & StringWriter that's used within the ImportResponseWrapper class.   
With the Eclipse/Glassfish implementation,  the code appears to be designed to use the JspWriter from the Page. Additionally, the PrintWriterWrapper.flush() specifically writes to the parent writer whereas Apache stores everything in a local StringWriter buffer until ImportResponseWrapper.getString() is called.
The specs for JSP or JSTL didn't give me much when I searched around.
Any feedback here would be appreciated.  
Thank you,

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