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Re: [jetty-dev] Jetty Websocket Impl

On 2014-02-28 20:48:15 +0000, Scott Lewis said:
Question:   What's the plan WRT eclipse4.4/Juno WRT jetty versions?   i.e. will Jetty 9 be used for Juno/eclipse4.x?...or Jetty 8?

Not sure if you know but Jetty left the release train repo. However, they are still in the repo because Gyrex includes them and will continue to contribute them to the repo. For Luna it will likely be 9.1 or higher. But AFAIK Equinox HttpService still requires Jetty 8.

Second question:  In both the jetty 8 and jetty 9 repos (i.e. the repos at ) they appear to have only one feature (along with a source feature).    For the [1] contribution above, we/ECF might want to consume only a subset of the jetty bundles...and perhaps a different set for remote service clients vs. servers.   What would you recommend to do this?   Should we be creating our own jetty features to do this?...and deploying them via our own repository?  Or should we be using/reusing some other feature/repos and point to jetty's repository?  Or something else?

I suggest creating and maintaining your own feature for your distribution. But when contributing to the release train repo you need to exclude this feature or ensure that it's in sync with the latest Equinox contribution. Otherwise there might be conflicts on aggregation.

FYI: I had to override the init method of the WebSocketServlet and require all websocket bundles to make it work in OSGi. I've opened bug 429409 for this.

	public void init() throws ServletException {
		// workaround for
		final ClassLoader current = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
		try {
		} finally {


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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