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Re: [jetty-dev] Can't configure server threadpool

My jetty version is 9.0.0.v20130308

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Gonzalo Garcia <gonz.jg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi, I read this thread:

Because I had the same problem configuring threadpool. I think the problem is the same

2013-03-26 16:56:14.815:WARN:oejx.XmlConfiguration:main: Ignored arg: <Arg name="threadpool">|      <New id="threadpool" class="org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool"><Set name="minThreads">50</Set><Set name="maxThreads">1000</Set><Set name="detailedDump">true</Set></New>|    </Arg>

The problem is I'm using the jetty-maven-plugin so I have no control for managing order of jetty-logging.xml

Here's my conf:


Is there anyway to avoid this problem and effectively configure the threadpool with maven plugin?

I'm using also the default jetty.xml

<Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">

    <!-- =========================================================== -->
    <!-- Configure the Server Thread Pool.                           -->
    <!-- The server holds a common thread pool which is used by      -->
    <!-- default as the executor used by all connectors and servlet  -->
    <!-- dispatches.                                                 -->
    <!--                                                             -->
    <!-- Configuring a fixed thread pool is vital to controlling the -->
    <!-- maximal memory footprint of the server and is a key tuning  -->
    <!-- parameter for tuning.  In an application that rarely blocks -->
    <!-- then maximal threads may be close to the number of 5*CPUs.  -->
    <!-- In an application that frequently blocks, then maximal      -->
    <!-- threads should be set as high as possible given the memory  -->
    <!-- available.                                                  -->
    <!--                                                             -->
    <!-- Consult the javadoc of o.e.j.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool   -->
    <!-- for all configuration that may be set here.                 -->
    <!-- =========================================================== -->
    <Arg name="threadpool">
      <New id="threadpool" class="org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool">
        <Set name="minThreads">50</Set>
        <Set name="maxThreads">1000</Set>
        <Set name="detailedDump">true</Set>

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