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[jetty-dev] Bugzilla usage

We have a bit of a backlog of bugzillas at the moment, so we need to
do a fair bit of triage.

To help with avoiding double triage, I'd like to propose the policy
that rather than leave bugzilla's in NEW state until somebody is
active on them, we should move them to the ASSIGNED state as soon as
they have been triaged.   If it can't be assigned to an actual person,
then assign it to  jetty-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx. This will allow us to
quickly identify new bugs rather than ones that we have chosen not to
address yet.

Also, I have created the 9.0.0.RC0 milestone and am allocating
bugzillas to that which should be fixed before we go to RC0


Greg Wilkins <gregw@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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