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Re: [jaxrs-dev] CDI resource classes and lifecycle


Are you using WildFly for a chance?

The general interpretation is that resources might be used as CDI beans, but the user has to explictly make them beans, i.e.: the behavior you are seeing is not standard.

WildFly has some useful propietary code that converts the @Path annotation into a bean annotation so that a CDI extension on Resteasy can detect them and automatically make beans from them (although @RequestScoped IIRC).

Another possibility is that you are using bean discovery mode all, but with bean annotated mode e.g. Payara doesn't detect them.

El lun., 9 abr. 2018 20:23, Christian Kaltepoth <christian@xxxxxxxxxxxx> escribió:
Hi all,

I've a question regarding CDI and the lifecycle of resource classes.

The JAX-RS spec states:
  • 3.1.1 Lifecycle and Environment:
    • "By default a new resource class instance is created for each request to that resource."
  • 11.2.3 Context and Dependency Injection (CDI):
    • "In a product that supports CDI, implementations MUST support the use of CDI-style Beans as root resource classes"

The example CDI resource in section 11.2.3 looks like this:

  public class CdiBeanResource {

      @Inject MyOtherCdiBean bean;  // CDI injected bean

      // ...


Please note that the resources doesn't have a scope annotation. In this case CDI will assume @Dependent scope.

Isn't this weird? Shouldn't be the default scope for CDI resources be @RequestScoped? Is it up to the user to set the "correct" scope? It is somehow surprising that @Dependent scoped beans work at all because of the way @Dependent is defined.

Any thoughts? Or is it just me having doubts about this? :-)


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